Black Ops 2: The State of Competitive Gaming MLG & eSports


  • Jan 3rd Parasite leaves RoughNex
  • Jan 3rd Rambo nV Leaves RoughNeX

Joins Team EnVyUs

  • Jan 3rd Complexity Leaves RoughNeX

Joins Team Adversity

Feb 7th Joins Team Unite

  • Jan 8th Krump is Picked up by eNigma.Obey
  • Jan 8th Karma is released by Fariko
  • Jan 11th Censor and Saints join DareToPro
  • Jan 14th TuQuick is a Free Agent Fariko

Picked Up by CompLexity

  • Jan 14th FeaRs is a Free Agent
  • Jan 19th Lawless and Rybad join DareToPro
  • Jan 21st Replays is picked up by Adversity
  • Jan 22nd Ricky is picked up by Fariko
  • Jan 22nd Censor and Saints leave DareToPro

Join Thrust

  • Feb 3rd Realize is picked up by Team Adversity
  • Feb 7th Clayster is picked up by Unite.NA

The information above is just the information I could gather from the @eSports Twitter timeline and is from a one month time span… WOW. Unless something changes the majority of PRO players will never be able to start negotiating better contracts and forming some type of union. The union doesn’t even have to be formal but to just add and drop week in and week out you are only hurting yourselves. As a team, how can you negotiate a long term contract when the company can counter with.. “You guys have been together for how long?? Two weeks, O wait you four guys have been together for a long time.. Two Months!” The competitive Call of Duty scene is like College Basketball, just one and done. Play one tournament with a team (if that) then jump at the first chance to leave. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, whatever happened to loyalty? Enjoy your free products that these sponsors are giving you that cost them next to nothing, because you’re never going to get PAID an actual salary unless something changes. By the way, “all” those controllers and products they send you… can’t you just buy them with the money you would be making that they would be paying you? You think you’re the one doing the PubStomping, they are SponsorStomping the shit out of all of you (except Nadeshot and Rambo) and it’s your own fault….but Hey GL HF

Black Ops 2: DLC Q & A

I have received about 30 to 40 messages regarding the Black Ops 2 DLC. I will give you insight whether your looking to save money, a weeked GameBattles warrior or if your thinking about making taking the next step to the Season Pass. If I didn’t answer your question feel free to resend it to me on Twitter: @GenericNamex or Xbox Live: Generic Name x

Q: Where is the best place to buy the Revolution DLC?
A: Finding a deal on DLC is hard, but here are your best opitions… Online at or you can go to your local Gamestop store or Online at Both for different reasons, Amazon let’s you purchase 400 Microsoft Points = $4.99 & and 800 Microsoft Points = $9.99, so if you have left over Microsoft Points from previous purchases and don’t need the full 1600 Microsoft Points, buy it from Amazon. If you don’t have at least 400 Microsoft Points remaining, then go to Gamestop (.com or In-Store) and they sell a Black Ops 2 DLC Code for $14.99 = the code just gives you 1200 Microsoft points. Also, BEFORE you DO either of these MAKE SURE you are signed up for XBOX LIVE REWARDS = FREE MICROSOFT POINTS.

Q: Should I buy the Season Pass?
A: No. Shocking, coming from me I know, given the fact that I will always look for the best deal possible for my readers. However, the Season Pass is NOT worth it. Why? You are saving $10 total. If there is 1, JUST 1 DLC ($15) that you do not want, you just lost $5 and by Call of Duty’s history the DLC get’s worse as the “Season” goes (Think of it as Movie Sequels). For the Weekend Warrior GameBattles players, historically DLC Maps were NEVER used in Modern Warfare 3. I say buy the Revolution DLC because it includes a Gun the “Peacekeeper“. Revolution DLC MIGHT be on the circuit due to the direct correlation with the MLG announcement, but take my word for it, future DLC maps will NOT be included on the MLG or EGL Circuit. Also, you are losing money if you already bought the 1st DLC! So DEF don’t just now decide to buy the Season Pass.

Final Verdict

Should the Average Gamer buy the Revolution DLC? To be honest, I never played Zombies once in my life. Before you Multiplayer GameBattle Go-Hards exit screen left, just relax and read. Whenever my friends were playing it, I would just back-out, and tell them to stop wasting time. When taken semi-serious it is a ton of fun, it is challenging and you need to take it some what serious to succeed but Treyarch succeeds in creating an environment in Die Rising and Turned that is loose enough to make it fun. The new maps are great and the Peacekeeper “sucks” and “overpowered” = GREAT!

Revolution DLC 9.5/10 = Must Buy!
New Maps + Gun + Game Modes


Black Ops 2: Patch Update on Scar & M27

Both the Scar-H and the M27 have both been buffed (improved) in the recent patch, so I ran some test with the help with of Lethal-Energy’s own Flexiloquent to see whether or not it was a big enough improvement to the guns for you to be using or not.


  • Increased 3-Hit Kill Range
  • Mazimum Amount of Bullets to Kill is now 4

I literally felt bad for Flexiloquent, I ran every test on the Scar-H multiple times (more times then needed) and not because I thought they were inaccuarate but I literally could not believe what I was seeing! The Scar-H does work with a 3-Shot Kill Range of just over 50m not needing 4-Shots to Kill until you get to 60m.As indicated in the patch notes you will never need more then 4-Shots to kill.


  • Increased 4-Hit Kill Range
  • Reduced amount of Bullets to Headshotkill at all Ranges

Men Lie, Women Lie, but the Numbers Don’t. I was in complete shock to see how awful the M27 tested (relevant to the update). I wasn’t expecting it to be the most amazing gun in the world but it’s 4shot Kill Range is 40m and 5 Shot Kill Range is 50m—–. Combined with the slowest Time to kill in it’s class the M27 is pretty awful. Even with the Headshot Multiplier FINALLY being increased to 1.2x (20% Damage Increase) so that it is the same as every other Assault Rifle in it’s class (Minus the M8A1), it still isn’t on par with the rest of them.

Final Verdict

Use the Scar-H I am telling you right now you will fall in love with this gun and you don’t have to worry about it being banned from competitive play (With your favorite attachments EX: Select Fire). If you throw on a Red Dot + Quick Draw + Silencer (Stock is Also Beast with this Gun) and you will be set! The Scar is literally a hose, start using it now and get ahead of the competition. Stay away from the M27, don’t let that accuaraccy fool you into overlooking all the other flaws in the weapon!


Black Ops 2: Patch Notes that You Care About

Even though the Patch Notes are posted about which Guns/Perks/Attachments have been Buffed and/or Nerfed some people STILL think “X” Gun was Buffedor Nerfed when it wasn’t.So here are the Patch Notes that YOU CARE about and for the ones that aren’t clear, what they actually mean. I am going to try and organize it as best as I can for you guys 🙂

Sub-Machine Guns

  • All + Silencers: reduced range.
  • Stocks on SMGs no longer allow a player to move faster while ADS than when moving normally.

“All + Silencers: reduced range” – This means that when using a Silencer on a Sub-Machine Gun it will decrease the overall range. I am not sure by how much, however it use to be a 25% decrease while Light-Machine Guns and Assault Rifles were 30% decrease in range. So if I had to guess I would say that Silencers now have a 30% decrease in range on your SMGs.

“Stocks on SMGs no longer allow a player to move faster while ADS than when moving normally” – What this attachment does increases the speed at which you move while aiming down sights (ADS). Before the patch the Stock attachment increased your ADS movement speed from 80% to 102%. Now? If I had to guess, it will allow you to move at 88% of your normal movement speed. Shotguns have an ADS movement speed of 80% and the stock attachment increases their speed to 88% so I would expect the stock attachment to have the same effect on SMGs.

Issue Effects All Weapons but you will notice it the most on SMGS

  • Fixed an issue where bullets would not fire straight immediately after aiming down the sight while moving at the same time.

“Fixed an issue where bullets would not fire straight immediately after aiming down the sight while moving at the same time.” There was an Aim Down Sight (ADS) Delay that Drift0r does a fantastic job explaining. Check out his video, but basically you all have experienced it many times. However, don’t be fooled into thinking your SMG has been buffed! It hasn’t, this ADS Delay has finally been fixed.  

Assault Rifles

  • All: reduced idle sway.

“All: reduced idle sway” – While looking down the scope of the weapon your sights will not move back and fourth as much if at all on some Assault Rifles, which will result in Increased Accuarcy.

  • M27: reduced amount of bullets to headshot kill at all ranges, increased 4-hit kill
  • Type25: reduced amount of bullets to headshot kill at all ranges, slightly reduced maximum hip fire spread.

“Reduced amount of bullets to headshot kill at all ranges” – Both the M27 and the Type-25 got an increase of their of Headshot Multiplier. Before both their Headshot Multipliers were 1.1x (increases damage by 10%) the only 2 Fully-Automatic ARs with a 1.1x Headshot Multiplier. Now they both are on par with the rest of the Assault Rifles with a 1.2x (increases damage by 20%) Headshot multiplier.

“Increased 4-hit kill range” – Increased the range at which the gun can kill at 4shots.

“Slightly reduced maximum hip fire spread” – Increased the hip fire accuracy

  • SCAR: Increased 3-hit kill range.  Maximum amount of bullets to kill is now 4

“Increased 3-hit kill range.  Maximum amount of bullets to kill is now 4” – This means that the Scar’s damage and range have both been Buffed. Increasing the 3-Hit Kill range will make it more competitive at short range with some of the SMGs (NOT IDEAL) but you won’t get destroyed like you used to.

  • SIG556: Penetration increased from medium to large, reduced burst delay, and maximum amount of bullets to kill is now 4.

“Penetration increased from medium to large” – Walls will have less of an impact on your bullets, allowing the SIG556’s bullets to do more damage then they use to going through walls and at greater angles. Think of it as a miny FMJ buff to the gun.

“Reduced burst delay” – The time between each burst will be shorter, making the time between each shot burst quicker but not the Rounds Per Minute (RPM) still a MAJOR improvement,

  • MTAR: increased 3-hit kill range.
  • SMR: slight increase to damage so that 2 hit kills can still happen with minor penetration, headshot multiplier increased at long distance.
  • FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil.
  • FAL OSW: increased hip spread.

“FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil” – The FAL with Select Fire now has increased recoil or kick, this will decrease your accuaracy.

“FAL OSW: increased hip spread” – When firing from the hip (Not aiming down sights) your accuracy will be decreased.

Light-Machine Guns

  • All: ADS in and out time reduced

“ADS in and out time reduced” – The time it takes to Aim In and Out is reduced. Before the patch it was 0.48seconds. Expect it to be closer to the average ADS In of a Sniper at 0.40 seconds.


  • All: Shotgun crosshairs will no longer turn red if an enemy is out of the shotgun’s maximum damage range.
  • SRM1216: slightly increased short range damage.


  • Executioner: increased medium range damage


  • Trophy System: increased range


  • Hard Wired: Players with hard wired are now completely unaffected by EMP grenades.


  • Improved turret tracking to eliminate false positives when checking line of sight.
  • Turrets now have smoother tracking when targeting players.
  • Death Machine: 3 hit kill range increased.
  • Dragonfire: health increased, gun spread reduced.
  • AGR: ground speed increased, reduced machine gun close range damage.
  • Warthog: reduced missile delay.
  • Lodestar: reduced missile speed and AOE radius.
  • Swarm: drone re-spawn delay increased.

The Warthog & Swarm were both nerfed, the delay on the Warthog means the missles will not be fired as fast. On the Swarm the Drones will not respawn as fast thus giving players time to find cover faster. The Dragonfire will not be as easy to shoot down, but the circumference of the gun will not be as big as it use to be so you will have to be more accurate. The Death Machine got a buff and you will find yourself getting a lot more kills then you used to. The Lodestar got nerfed the missles will not be shot as fast and the area that is effected by will be reduced.

Minor Changes

  • Addressed multiple User Interface issues.
  • Addressed an issue where players were able to plant numerous Assault Shields.
  • Addressed an issue where the Stealth Helicopter was able to drop below the map in Drone.
  • Players are no longer able to get infinite Black Hats by immediately using another Black Hat.
  • Addressed an issue where it was possible for a player to equip two Assault Shields at the same time.
  • Various minor map fixes were made across multiple maps.
  • Lowered HUD threshold for the “low health” overlay to increase player’s awareness of low health.

Final Notes

Biggest Gun Buffs: Sig556 + Scar-H.

Biggest Gun Nerf: FAL-OSW

For the entire list of patch notes go to

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Black Ops 2: When is the Patch Release Date

Why do I Expect the Black Ops 2 Patch to be Released on January 24th at Midnight? By releasing the Patch on the 24th it allows the public the entire weekend to update before League Play Season 3 is expected to start on January 28th followed by the DLC release on January 29th. Now, Treyarch could always push back the start of League Play Season 3 until the Friday Febuary 1st, which would make sense to the average gamer but no to some folks at Treyarch and their MLG partners. Starting the new season on a Friday giving the community to get a few days to get use to the new DLC especially the Peacemaker (DLC Gun) would be useful. However, I invision Treyarch using MLG’s Call of Duty Team Scrims Stream to market League Play Season 3 and the DLC, this stream airs Monday through Friday 7:00pm to 9:00pm. That being said, barring some unforeseen problems with the patch or negative feedback from the pro teams that are testing it out because this patch is being made for MLG & League Play I stick with my January 24th Midnight Prediction.

Follow Me on Twitter @GenericNamex
Subscribe to Channel & Like @SquidGrip Video To Enter to Win DLC
Best Controller Accessory Ever = SquidGrip!!


Black Ops 2 on MLG Pro Circuit 2013

Black Ops 2 being on the MLG Pro Circuit in 2013 will directly impact the entire Call of Duty Black Ops 2 community. Although it has only been announced for the first two events, ask UMG about their recent UMG 10k turn out… Black Ops 2 will be on the Circuit for the entire 2013 season starting in MLG Dallas. How will this impact the average Black Ops 2 gamer?

David Vonderhaar (@DavidVonderhaar) tweeted at 0:11 AM on Sun, Jan 20, 2013: “Still at work doing that final grind on the next update. It’s a big one. Nerfs. Buffs. Bug fixes. Features. Dinosaurs. Details to come.”

Here’s My Logic:

The upcoming patch will be 100% geared towards League Play. What I mean by this is something like the Clan Ops Elite Score Glitch that a lot of Clans have been complaining about, won’t get fixed, it doesn’t affect League Play so it will probably have to wait til the next patch. IF that means MAJOR In-Game improvements, then honestly who cares? What’s another month to an already screwed up Elite scoring system? Given what I know from all the In-Depths, Personal Experience and Community Feedback, I’ve come up with a list of what most likely be Nerfed or Buffed.

Nerf: Flat Jacket – Decrease it’s Benefit in Accordance to Blast Radius

Buff: Scavenger – Be able to pick up supplies from own Team not just Enemy Team

Buff: M27 – Damage

Nerf: KSG Shotgun

Nerf: B23R Handgun

Nerf: Claymore – Decrease Blast Radius

Nerf: Target Finder – Decrease the Range at which an Enemy can Appear “Found”

Nerf: Select Fire* – Bigger Penalties on Semi-Automatic & Burst Fire Weapons    *Select Fire will be Banned from MLG on Semi-Automatic Weapons (99.9% Positive)

Change Long Barrel – Can’t be the Same Multiplier for EVERY weapon Class

Buff: Fore Grip – Make it have an effect on Accuracy.

Buff: Assault Shield – This won’t get done, just thought I would mention it.

Final Thoughts:

The real question is what is going to be banned from League play? If they make League Play into a type of MLG Satellite qualifier league that which is what the ESports Article seemed to implying, then they would have to go MLG rules. For anyone who hasn’t played MLG with Rules before what it means is a whole lot of Non-Skill “cheap” things are banned… Including All Shotguns,  Different Attachments, Perks, Lethal & Tactical Grenades, and All Score Streaks ( I was very surprised to see both Shotguns & Score Streaks at UMG10k ). For instance while you can use a Tactical Grenade like a Flashbang you wouldn’t be able to use a Tactical Grenade like a Sensor Grenade because it gives away the enemy’s position. MLG is about determining which Team is the best, using SKILLED Weapons, Tactics/Strategy and Communication, anything that defeats that purpose will be banned (For my Example: You don’t need to communicate where an enemy is if you can see them on your sensor grenade). So, it will be interesting to see how much David Vonderhaar and the boys at Treyarch are willing to comply with MLG’s Rules because right now they only have Tactical Insertion and Grenade Launcher Banned…

In-Depth Map Strategy: Hijacked

While playing some multi-team with another memeber of LE, on occassion he would ask what gun should I use for this map? With the new Revolution DLC Maps coming out in a little over a week, I thought what better time to be doing a series on each map.

For each map the following will be included:

  • What the Best Classes are to use for the Map Layout & for the different gametypes on the Map.
  • Strategys for different Gametypes
  • Unique characteristics about each mach – Including Callout Guide


Mainly close quarters combat therefore your going to want to use your smg class, however there if if you’re running 8s (4v4) one person on your team should be using an Assault Rifle. Why an AR? Hijacked has many short lines of sight but the middle B-Dom is the start of many objective game types. Depending on your spawn will determine whether your in the Office or the Bedroom, either way your vantage point overlooking the corridors can really be used as manifesting a choke point.

Example: Hardpoint, Start off Spawn C-Dom, IF AR Support stationed in Bedroom can successfully deter the enemy from coming going Tub Corridor then he/she many a few things. Now the Opposing Team only has two direct points of attack, the Dining Room entrance and the Seating Area (Gazebo) Alley. This support person also keeps the spawn in your favor at the next Hardpoint in the Gym. By having this support person, your reducing the number of of attackers by 25% yes, but your reducing the number of direct attack points by 33%, and with Hijacked being such a tight map, espically with this particular example, the support person can always drop down pick up a few points before retreating, Notice I mentioned Direct Attack points, so what do I mean by this? An In-Direct Attack is a term I use when referring to when the enemy comes from behind to kills you or “flanks” you. The flanking technique will take more time thus adding more points to your Hardpoint Score. Also with a support teammate behind you, he/she will most likely die first thus giving you the heads up that someone is attempting to flank you.

Guns for Hijacked: Assault Rifles & SMGs ( + Shotguns if you’re THAT GUY)

Assault Rifles Class

FAL OSW – Attachments: Select Fire + FMJ  Opitional Attachment: Silencer

SCAR-HAttachments: Silencer + FMJ + Quickdraw

Hijacked has amazing potential for penetration kills especially in the Seating Area if you see someone in there and you’re coming from A-Dom or you’re up in the Office just Spray & Pray. The FMJ attachment for Assault Rifles is a MUST for this map given the hot spot that is the Seating Area. Also if you’re in a gun fight with someone in the Office and you’re in the Bedroom, you will destroy them with the FMJ attachment because they will be misguided thinking their Walls are protecting them. “OMG the FAL is so overpowered with select fire” I know & 100% agree, I don’t think that needs any further explanation. The thing that makes the FAL so perfect for this map is because it is the 2nd highest damage AR dealing 50 damage up to 16meters away, the FAL takes out people instantly in the Seating Area. The SCAR-H however is a gun I don’t see used too often but in this map, I would reccommend it. In medium range this gun does work! Throw those attachments on it and you will start mowing people down. DO NOT rush with this gun, it is meant for support, and make sure you put ALL of those attachments on the gun or else it will not work as intended.

Sub-Machine Gun Classes

PDW 57 – Attachments: Laser Sight + Quick Draw + Silencer

Skorpion EVO – Attachments: Laser Sight + Quick Draw + Long Barrel

My two recommendations specifically for Hijacked are focused on the aggressive and assault role. Many of you prefer the MSMC over the PDW 57 due to it’s advantage in range, but the PDW is ideal for this map because of it’s magazine size and the number of enemies that you might encounter simultaneously. The added range benefit the MSMC provides you doesn’t outweigh the PDW’s magazine size especially when you compare the PDW’s range (The only other SMG capable of a 3 shot kill) to the MSMC’s magazine size. As far as the Skorpion Evo goes, I find this gun to be very useful for this map. Laser Sight and Quick Draw are a must, but Long Barrel? Yes, Long Barrel. For this map and this gun Long Barrel amongst other benefits will decrease your Time to Kill by approximately 8% and for such close quarters it will actually be useful for this map.

Analysis of David Vonderhaar on Fore Grip

  • Using the Grip makes a big difference, but it isn’t always immediately observable. Especially if you don’t know what to look for.
  • Accuracy isn’t a single measurement and therefore empirically it’s difficult to understand. Especially in a YouTube video.
  • The Grip typically modifies the ADS Center Speed scale for view kick. Many don’t understand the impact of View vs Gun impact on accuracy. Sorry. I meant to say players don’t necessarily understand the differences between View vs Gun “kick” and it’s impact on your Accuracy.
  • The Grip typically modifies the ADS Center Speed scale for view kick. Many players don’t necessarily understand the differences between View vs Gun “kick” and it’s impact on your Accuracy.
  • Re-center speeds, kick reductions, and other attributes are more observable to the player doing the evaluation.
  • Or what he thinks “Accuracy” should mean for the Grip. Thus ends today’s lesson. Sorry for blowing up your timeline.

Above is a transcript of a David Vonderhaar’s Tweets explaining grip. In bold is me just correcting what his typo from the previous two tweets. He has obviously been catching a lot of flak from the community on Fore Grip so he decided to address it and for that I commend him. Now, after reading over his carefully crafted statements he opens it up by taking shots at all the people like @Drift0r who do YouTube In-Depth Analysis by stating “…it isn’t always immediately observable. Especially if you don’t know what to look for. he then goes on to say “Accuracy isn’t a single measurement and therefore empirically it’s difficult to understand. Especially in a YT (YouTube) video.”  Neither of these statements give credence to his argument on Fore Grip improving accuracy rather he is trying to discredit @Drift0r (who he then tweets after). Mr. Vonderhaar also states that “The Grip typically modifies..”  wait what? TYPICALLY? No, DAVID it either does or it doesn’t. For a man that uses such carefully articulated vocabulary like “empirically”, “typically” isn’t a word used to describe a programmed attachment. Either the attachment is programmed to do X or it doesn’t do X.

What did David Vonderhaar accomplish by these tweets? By saying that Fore Grip can’t be tested via an In-Depth video, which is what the “…empirically it’s difficult to understand” (which doesn’t make any sense, I’ll get to that in a second), he now doesn’t have to address any more questions about the attachment. Why doesn’t that statement make any sense? Empirical evidence is evidence that cannot be explained by mathematical theory or logic rather only by experience, yet David Vonderhaar is saying the benefits of Fore Grip can’t be shown in a YouTube video AND can’t be shown through experience over time, so then how can it be shown David?

Black Ops 2: League Play Playoffs!

My past few articles have been negative on Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 because all things considered Average rating from the community (Not IGN) on is a 7… ouch. It was clear since CoD Casting was announced that the multiplayer developers’ main focus was on getting this installment on the MLG Circuit. Don’t let their motives fool you, they weren’t trying to do this for the “community”. By getting Black Ops 2 on the Pro Circuit it is something fiasable that they could hold over Activision’s head and therefore ask for a bigger piece of the Call of Duty Pie. On the surface League Play looks like a great idea, but how much different is it then regular Public Matches? Yes, the competition is more competive but that is strictly due to branding, but I’m speaking from a developers perspective. What did the developers change differently from Public Matches to League Play? They match users based on skill level? Weren’t they suppose to be trying to do that already? Nevermind, I see now I get that Shield telling me what divison I am… wait where did it go? After a month not only does the “League” if you can call it that, go away, but correct me if I’m wrong, but I have yet be able to find a place where I can view my previous League Stats. How awesome would that be if the developers took the time to do League Playoffs? Both Solo & Team Playoffs on seperate weekends. For Team Playoffs, they could make guidelines to where in order to be eligible you must be ranked in the top 25% (Just an Example) and on the first weekend the Top 64 Teams (In Each Divison) who accumlate the most amount of points move on to the next Face-Off round where the Teams actually play each other. The hype building up for this with-in the community would be huge. Solo Playoffs would obviously be different and it took me a little bit of time to come up with how to score but I came up with a fair system. First of all, having solo objective game types in League Play is just assanine, so I’m not even going to address those. Solo TDM playoffs would be like the first weekend of the Team Playoffs where you must be ranked in the Top 25% in order to qualify for the playoffs. The entire playoffs though are based on score and to make it even more interesting and unique, we would want to find the best all around player with skilled weapons (No RPGS, Shotguns) So, each round would consist of you playing a particular type of weapon SMG/AR/Sniper/LMG, and while you might be playing with an SMG your opponent might have to be playing with a Sniper for that particular round. At the end of the 12 rounds (3 rounds for each gun, 3 Seperate weekends) the person with the highest score is the Champion. We as a community would rather be eligible to compete in something that takes three months even if the last month we are knocked out, then to have something as pointless as League Play.

Did you know: By not unplugging your Xbox it cost you $70 a year – Consumer Reports

Black Ops 2: Weekly Discussion

                                    Weekend Rant

Do I have to be the FPS, the First Person to Say it? Have you seen the In-Depth videos out there on Gun Mechicanics? This isn’t just me with my statistics, these are actual videos showing you that the game isn’t doing what it says it is, so if you have to see it to believe it there are videos out there. Example Drift0r posted YouTube Video on ADS after sprinting.. put it this way, if you work for Treyarch it’s embarassing. I have never felt so many times in a game that “I should of Killed that person” like the game wasn’t being honest then I have with Black Ops 2. Fore Grip which I’ve mentioned before, but even while testing it, you’ll get patterns that will be tighter then a virgin, while others are so random. Yet everyone paid $59.99 for it so they are “afraid” (for lack of a better term) to say wow this game is disappointing. Don’t even get me started on Elite. WTF happened there? I’m technically still paying for it, which means I get this January DLC for Free… right? Hahaha. I’d rather pay for it, have it running properly and get the DLC with it, now your just getting the DLC for the SAME PRICE!

Questions For David Vonderhaar

1. Why does this seem like you “Mr. Black Ops 2 MP” were being lazy?

I am shooting you at 2 meters = 20 damage, I am shooting you at 24 meters = 20 damage, I am shooting you at 25 meters = 20 damage, I am shooting you at 26 meters = 17.5 damage … I am shooting you at 40 meters = 17.5 damage

2. A simple way to disprove the HUNDREDS of In-Depth Videos & Articles is by releasing a Video of showing what Fore Grip actually does. Instead you make comments thinking your slick, when in reality your recognizing the Videos (Giving credit to them Thanks From the Community) you arrogant ass.

Final Thoughts: (Did you Know Included)

I had an in-depth conversation about the contractual obligation that Treyarch has of keeping maintaining their servers etc. with a member of the online gaming community @LethalEnergy. Not to back over the three hour long conversation, just know this. Did you know: ANY contract, including a contract between a consumer (you) and a retailer (Game Store) is Void and you can return the game for a FULL refund if the product was bought by a minor (Under the age of 18). I am not suggesting you lie, because that would be illegal, but maybe your little brother bought that game, and what kind of Game Store would sell that game to a minor! Especially a game that doesn’t update it’s online servers!