Black Ops 2 on MLG Pro Circuit 2013

Black Ops 2 being on the MLG Pro Circuit in 2013 will directly impact the entire Call of Duty Black Ops 2 community. Although it has only been announced for the first two events, ask UMG about their recent UMG 10k turn out… Black Ops 2 will be on the Circuit for the entire 2013 season starting in MLG Dallas. How will this impact the average Black Ops 2 gamer?

David Vonderhaar (@DavidVonderhaar) tweeted at 0:11 AM on Sun, Jan 20, 2013: “Still at work doing that final grind on the next update. It’s a big one. Nerfs. Buffs. Bug fixes. Features. Dinosaurs. Details to come.”

Here’s My Logic:

The upcoming patch will be 100% geared towards League Play. What I mean by this is something like the Clan Ops Elite Score Glitch that a lot of Clans have been complaining about, won’t get fixed, it doesn’t affect League Play so it will probably have to wait til the next patch. IF that means MAJOR In-Game improvements, then honestly who cares? What’s another month to an already screwed up Elite scoring system? Given what I know from all the In-Depths, Personal Experience and Community Feedback, I’ve come up with a list of what most likely be Nerfed or Buffed.

Nerf: Flat Jacket – Decrease it’s Benefit in Accordance to Blast Radius

Buff: Scavenger – Be able to pick up supplies from own Team not just Enemy Team

Buff: M27 – Damage

Nerf: KSG Shotgun

Nerf: B23R Handgun

Nerf: Claymore – Decrease Blast Radius

Nerf: Target Finder – Decrease the Range at which an Enemy can Appear “Found”

Nerf: Select Fire* – Bigger Penalties on Semi-Automatic & Burst Fire Weapons    *Select Fire will be Banned from MLG on Semi-Automatic Weapons (99.9% Positive)

Change Long Barrel – Can’t be the Same Multiplier for EVERY weapon Class

Buff: Fore Grip – Make it have an effect on Accuracy.

Buff: Assault Shield – This won’t get done, just thought I would mention it.

Final Thoughts:

The real question is what is going to be banned from League play? If they make League Play into a type of MLG Satellite qualifier league that which is what the ESports Article seemed to implying, then they would have to go MLG rules. For anyone who hasn’t played MLG with Rules before what it means is a whole lot of Non-Skill “cheap” things are banned… Including All Shotguns,  Different Attachments, Perks, Lethal & Tactical Grenades, and All Score Streaks ( I was very surprised to see both Shotguns & Score Streaks at UMG10k ). For instance while you can use a Tactical Grenade like a Flashbang you wouldn’t be able to use a Tactical Grenade like a Sensor Grenade because it gives away the enemy’s position. MLG is about determining which Team is the best, using SKILLED Weapons, Tactics/Strategy and Communication, anything that defeats that purpose will be banned (For my Example: You don’t need to communicate where an enemy is if you can see them on your sensor grenade). So, it will be interesting to see how much David Vonderhaar and the boys at Treyarch are willing to comply with MLG’s Rules because right now they only have Tactical Insertion and Grenade Launcher Banned…